好句子的摘抄 18个

1. The stunning sunset over the ocean cast a warm golden glow across the entire beach, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere.

2. As the first rays of sunlight gradually illuminated the sky, the city slowly came to life with the sounds of cars honking and people bustling about their daily routines.

3. Despite the fierce winds and driving rain, the brave sailors battled their way through the stormy seas, determined to reach their destination and complete their mission.

4. As the orchestra began to play, the audience held their breath in antition, waiting for the first notes of the symphony to fill the concert hall.

5. With a swift and powerful swipe of his sword, the valiant knight vanquished the fearsome dragon, saving the fair maiden and bringing peace to the kingdom once more.

6. The delicate perfume of the blooming flowers wafted through the air, filling the garden with the sweet fragrance of spring.

7. Slowly and steadily, the train made its way across the vast expanse of countryside, each passing mile bringing the passengers closer to their destination.

8. As the sun began to dip below the horizon, the stars led into view, illuminating the night sky with their soft and gentle radiance.

9. Standing on the edge of the cliff, overlooking the breathtaking vista of mountains and valleys below, the adventurer felt a sense of awe and reverence for the natural world.

10. With each stroke of the pen, the writer poured out his soul onto the page, weaving a tapestry of words and images that spoke to the deepest parts of the human experience.

11. As the children ran through the park, laughing and playing, their carefree spirits lifted the hearts of all who watched, reminding them of the joy and beauty of childhood.

12. The sound of thunder ecd through the valley, heralding the arrival of the summer storm, with its lightning flashes and pounding rain.

13. In the quiet stillness of the forest, the hiker felt a sense of peace and tranquility, surrounded by the beauty and majesty of nature.

14. With a deep breath and a steady hand, the surgeon began the delicate and intricate procedure, guided by years of training and experience.

15. As the sun rose over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city streets, the early morning commuters began their daily routine, fuelled by a desire to succeed and thrive in the bustling metropolis.

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