说父母自私的句子说说 10个

1. My parents only care about themselves and never consider how their actions affect others.

2. It's always about what they want and need, without any regard for anyone else's desires or feelings.

3. My parents are so wrapped up in their own lives that they don't even notice when their children are struggling or hurting.

4. They only show interest in our lives when it benefits them in some way.

5. My parents are always putting their own needs and wants above ours, even if it means sacrificing our happiness.

6. They never apologize or admit fault, and always try to make themselves look good regardless of the situation.

7. I feel like I have to constantly fight for their attention and affection, because they are so self-centered.

8. Everything is always about them, and they can never see things from anyone else's perspective.

9. It's hard to trust my parents because they are constantly breaking promises and letting us down.

10. My parents' selfishness has caused a lot of pain and resentment in our family, and it's hard to imagine ever fully healing from it.

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