婚姻快走到尽头的句子 16个

1. Their marriage has been on the rocks for months, with constant bickering and fights that seem to never end.

2. It's clear that their love for each other has dwindled and their connection has become strained over time.

3. They've exhausted all options for reconciliation and have finally come to the difficult decision to divorce.

4. Despite their attempts to work on their relationship, they've come to the realization that they're better off apart.

5. The thought of spending another day together fills them with dread and anxiety, as they've grown apart and have little in common.

6. The bitterness and resentment between them has reached a boiling point, leaving them both emotionally drained.

7. They've been living separate lives for years, with little communication and a lack of intimacy.

8. The trust in their relationship has been broken beyond repair, leaving them both feeling betrayed and hurt.

9. They've tried counseling and therapy, but nothing seems to have worked and they're no longer willing to try.

10. The passion and romance they once shared has faded away, replaced by feelings of indifference and apathy.

11. The strain of constantly fighting and trying to make things work has taken its toll on their mental health and well-being.

12. They've grown tired of the constant drama and upheaval in their relationship and need to move on for their own sake.

13. The thought of being with someone else is a relief, as they no longer feel in love with their partner.

14. They've lost sight of why they fell in love in the first place and can't seem to find their way back.

15. The idea of a fresh start and a new beginning is what's keeping them going, despite the pain of ending their marriage.

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