
The Study of Fortune Telling: English Grade 9 Unit 12 Vocabulary

Introduction to Fortune Telling

Fortune telling, also known as divination, has been a part of human culture for centuries. It is the practice of predicting the future or revealing hidden information through various methods. One of the popular forms of fortune telling is palmistry, where predictions are made based on the lines and shapes on a person's hand. As a fortune teller, I will now use the vocabulary from English Grade 9 Unit 12 to explore different aspects of fortune telling.

Astrology: Predicting the Future Based on the Stars

One of the fascinating methods of fortune telling is astrology, which involves predicting future events by studying the positions and movements of celestial bodies such as stars and planets. Astrologers believe that the positioning of these celestial bodies at the time of a person's birth can reveal important information about their character, personality traits, and even their future. They yze zodiac signs, which are divided into twelve categories, each associated with different personality traits and predictions.

Predicting the Future with Tarot Cards

Tarot cards have long been used as a divination tool in fortune telling. A deck of tarot cards consists of 78 cards, each with a unique symbol and meaning. The fortune teller shuffles the deck while concentrating on the question or situation at hand. The seeker then selects a certain number of cards, each with its own interpretation. The fortune teller yses the cards and provides insights or predictions based on the symbolism and arrangement of the cards.

Numerology: The Power of Numbers

Numerology is another method of fortune telling that uses numbers and their meanings to predict future events. Each number has its own significance and can reveal insights about a person's life path, personality, and future outcomes. Numerologists believe that by understanding the numerical vibrations of a person's name and birthdate, they can provide accurate predictions and guidance.

Crystal Ball Gazing: Seeking Insights in the Future

Crystal ball gazing is a well-known practice in fortune telling. The fortune teller gazes into a crystal ball, a glass sphere or a similar object, to gain insights into a person's future or hidden information. The crystal ball is believed to amplify the fortune teller's clairvoyant abilities and enable them to see images, symbols, or visions that can be interpreted to reveal the seeker's destiny or answer their questions.


Fortune telling is an ancient art that continues to fascinate people around the world. It offers a glimpse into the unknown and provides guidance and reassurance to those seeking answers. While some may question the scientific validity of fortune telling, it remains a popular tradition that connects people to their past, present, and future. Whether through astrology, tarot cards, numerology, or crystal ball gazing, fortune tellers play a unique role in society by offering insights and predictions based on the wisdom of the ages.



首先,我们来看看名词。单元中主要涉及到的名词有:adventure, reputation, distant, struggle, portion, accomplishment, identity, interaction和emotion。这些名词都是与人的经历、情感、人际交往等相关的,可以帮助我们更好地理解人类的行为和人际关系。

接下来,我们来看看动词。单元中主要涉及到的动词有:accomplish, interact, struggle, lead, differentiate和reinforce。这些动词都是与人的行为和状态相关的,可以用来描述人的生活和经历。

再者,我们来看看形容词。单元中主要涉及到的形容词有:distant, challenging, confident和emotional。这些形容词都是用来描述人的状态和情感的,可以帮助我们更好地理解人的内心世界和行为。




1. Accomplish (v.) - 完成

"Accomplish" 是一个动词,意思是完成某项任务、目标或工作。例如,当你成功地完成一份作业或者实现一个目标时,你可以说你已经 "accomplished" 它。

2. Attribute (v.) - 归因于

"Attribute" 是一个动词,意思是将某事物归因于某个原因或来源。例如,你可以说某人的成功 "can be attributed to" 他们的努力和毅力。

3. Bias (n.) - 偏见

"Bias" 是一个名词,指对某人或某个群体的偏见或偏好。这种偏见可能基于人们对个体或群体的错误观念或偏见。我们应该努力消除偏见,以建立一个公正的社会。

4. Consequence (n.) - 结果

"Consequence" 是一个名词,意思是某个事件或行动的结果或后果。例如,如果你做某些不当行为,那么可能会面临一些不好的 "consequences"。

5. Enable (v.) - 使能够

"Enable" 是一个动词,意思是使某人能够做某事。例如,良好的教育 "enables" 学生们获得成功的机会。

6. Generate (v.) - 产生

"Generate" 是一个动词,意思是产生或创造某物。例如,太阳能板可以 "generate" 电能。

7. Indicate (v.) - 表明

"Indicate" 是一个动词,意思是指出或显示某事物的存在或。例如,气温上升 "indicates" 天气变暖。

8. Justify (v.) - 证明...的合理性

"Justify" 是一个动词,意思是证明某事物的合理性或正确性。例如,你需要提供理由来 "justify" 你的观点。

9. Overwhelm (v.) - 淹没,压倒

"Overwhelm" 是一个动词,意思是淹没或压倒某人或某事物。例如,一大堆任务可能会让你感到 "overwhelmed"。

10. React (v.) - 反应

"React" 是一个动词,意思是对某事物做出反应或回应。例如,当你听到好消息时,你可能会 "react" with excitement(兴奋)。

11. Significant (adj.) - 重要的,有意义的

"Significant" 是一个形容词,意思是重要的或有意义的。例如,一个 "significant" 事件可能会对人们的生活产生深远的影响。

12. Transform (v.) - 转变,改变

"Transform" 是一个动词,意思是转变或改变某人或某事物的状态。例如,强烈的意愿和努力可以 "transform" 一个人的生活。





接下来是词汇“energy”。这个词指的是我们所拥有的力量和活力。为了保持精力充沛,我们需要吃健康的食物。另一个与此相关的词汇是“balanced diet”,也就是均衡饮食。我们需要摄入适量的蛋白质、碳水化合物和脂肪,以保持身体的正常功能。






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